elearningeuropa.info 歐盟的數位學習
JISC elevato: 英國新推出針對在資訊科技在學校應用的網站,任何人都可以上去提案,提案類型為小型、實用類型的專案,如果被JISC 認為有發展價值,提供£10,000英鎊的補助。
SCHOME SIG report: evidence of games, simulations and virtual worlds changing practice.
NEXT-TELL :is an Integrated Project (IP) in the ICT challenge of the 7th framework programme of the EC; its main objective is to provide, through research and development, computational and methodological support to teachers and students.
Physical Computing : A lecture teach Physical Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Nesta: Nesta is the UK's innovatioon foundation.They help people and organisations bring great ideas to life. We do this by providing investments and grants and mobilising research, network and skills.
Learning wiht e's' :from Plymouth university