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Centre for Independent Language Learning
這個網站的目的就是在協助"Independent Language Learning"的概念並給予相關的資源輔助,進入網站後可以How Can I Learn English on the Internet?這篇文章,看一下作者的想法和作法。
Grammar Girl(作者中文翻譯書籍:文法女王:無痛升級學習法 蜜妮安.福格蒂)
Daily Writing Tip
Whether you are an attorney, manager, student or blogger, writing skills are essential for your success.
Oral Presentation Skills
This link takes you to a web site designed to help students plan and deliver academic presentations. The materials include lots of video examples of students giving presentations. Have a look at this site and use the relevant sections to help you prepare for the assessment task in the last week of the course and any presentations you have to give on your own courses.
Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
This link takes you to the MICASE concordance search. This allows you to see how words are used in various contexts - in this case, spoken academic contexts. Read the information and then search carry out a concordance search for various reporting verbs you are interested in. For example, compare the uses of *say/said* and *claim/claimed* . Which are most commonly used? Are there any differences in the grammatical structures in which these verbs occur? Post your findings in your group's discussion board on the Blackboard site.
Academic presentations (UEFAP speaking)
This is another web site with information and advice on preparing and giving academic presentations. Open the link and go to 'Presentations'. Have a look at the information and exercises on the language of presentations and using notes.